Guanidine alkaloids reverse the fluconazole resistance phenotype mediated by Pdr5p transporter on Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Five years ago, Dr. Mario F. C. Santos performed a detailed investigation of the chemistry of the marine sponge Monanchora aff. arbuscula, collected in Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro state. Dr. Mario isolated a series of guanidine secondary metabolites, among which batzelladine D (1) and norbatzelladine L (2) were two of the major alkaloids. This first chemical investigation resulted in the discovery of several new alkaloids, along with the total synthesis of monalidine and the report of anti-leishmanial and anti-Chagas disease activity of these compounds. These first results have been published in the Journal of Natural Products.

More recently the group of our collaborator at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Professor Antonio Ferreira-Pereira, investigated the antifungal mechanism of action of batzelladine D (1) and norbatzelladine L (2). His research group demonstrated that both alkaloids 1 and 2 reverse the fluconazole resistance phenotype mediated by Pdr5p transporter on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Both alkaloids were able to chemosensitize the Pdr5p-overexpressing strain by synergistic interaction with fluconazole, and also showed inhibitory effect on the catalytic activity and on the intracellular accumulation of rhodamine 6G, with no significant in vitro mammalian cells toxicity. These results have been recently published in the journal Bioorganic Chemistry, and can be read here.

Nine Professors at the Instituto de Química de São Carlos – Universidade de São Paulo are amongst the 100,000 most influential scientists

A recent paper published in the journal PLoS Biology reported the list of the currently 100,000 most influential scientists. It is an open access article you can read here.
The list includes nine professors/researchers at the Instituto de Química de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo.
They are listed in alphabetical order here.

Arthur de Jesus Motheo (CV)

Edson Antonio Ticianelli (CV)

Emanuel Carrilho (CV)

Ernesto Rafael Gonzalez (passed this year) (CV)

Fernando Mauro Lanças (CV)

Francisco Carlos Nart (passed in 2006 in an aircraft crash accident) (CV)

Juarez Lopes Ferreira da Silva (CV)

Roberto G. S. Berlinck (CV)

Teresa Benita Iwasita de Vielstich (CV)

Oportunidades para Estudantes de Mestrado e Doutorado – Opportunities for MSc and PhD Students

Estão sendo oferecidas oportunidades para candidatos de pós-graduação para mestrado e/ou doutorado neste Grupo de Química Orgânica de Sistemas Biológicos.

O exame de avaliação pelo Instituto de Química de São Carlos será realizado no início de 2021, a ser divulgado em breve. Mantenha-se informado no link:

Candidatos com perfil acadêmico muito bom e sem reprovações têm oportunidade de solicitar bolsas FAPESP de mestrado e doutorado, com ingresso no Programa de Pós-Graduação do IQSC em fluxo contínuo.

Linhas de pesquisa incluem projetos que objetivam descobrir moléculas com atividade antibiótica contra bactérias patogênicas, atividade anti-Leishmania, anti-Chagas, anti-malária e anti-câncer. Estes são projetos colaborativos em química de produtos naturais e síntese orgânica (IQSC/UFSCar) e química de produtos naturais, síntese orgânica e química medicinal (IQSC/IFSC/UFSCar) com pesquisadores que desenvolvem bioensaios de investigação de mecanismo de ação na UNICAMP, Universidade de Franca e Institut de Biologie Structurale (Grenoble, França).

Projetos colaborativos também buscam desvendar a biossíntese de produtos naturais (IQSC/UNICAMP), desenvolver biotecnologia de produtos naturais (IQSC/FCF-USP-SP/ESALQ), e ferramentas para a descoberta de produtos naturais e automação com inteligência artificial (IQSC/ICMC).

Os projetos de pós-graduação são desenvolvidos com colaborações internacionais (University of British Columbia, Canada; University of Illinois, Chicago; University of Manchester; University of Hannover; Institut de Biologie Structurale (Grenoble, França)).


Opportunities are being offered to graduate candidates for MSc and/or PHd degrees. The enrolment evaluation exam by the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos will be held in early 2021. Keep posted at:

Candidates with a very good academic profile and no course failures will have the opportunity to apply for FAPESP scholarships, for admission to the IQSC Graduate Program in a continuous flow.

Research lines include projects that aim to discover compounds with antibiotic activity against pathogenic bacteria, anti-Leishmania, anti-Chagas, anti-malaria and anti-cancer activity. These are collaborative projects in chemistry of natural products and organic synthesis (IQSC / UFSCar) and chemistry of natural products, organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry (IQSC / IFSC / UFSCar) with researchers who develop bioassays with the investigation of mechanism of action at UNICAMP, Universidade de Franca and Institut de Biologie Structurale (Grenoble, France).

Collaborative projects also seek to unveil the biosynthesis of natural products (IQSC / UNICAMP), develop biotechnology of natural products (IQSC / FCF-USP-SP / ESALQ), and tools for the discovery of natural products and automation with artificial intelligence (IQSC / ICMC).

The projects are developed with international collaborations (University of British Columbia, Canada; University of Illinois, Chicago; University of Manchester; University of Hannover; Institut de Biologie Structurale (Grenoble, France)).


Additional information can be requested to Professor Roberto Berlinck (

Curriculo Lattes/Lattes CV:

See also:
