Novel nonribosomal peptides modulate collective behavior in marine sponge derived Pseudovibrio bacteria

This article results from a fantastic team effort leaded by Professor Alessandra Eustaquio at the University of Illinois Chicago, along with her colleagues. Professor Alessandra was very kind in receiving my former PhD student Laura Ióca in her lab. Laura developed a project under Alessandra’s supervision, that enabled the discovery of modified peptides involved in Pseudovibrio and Pseudomonas motility. Laura Sanchez, Jimmy Orjala, Alec Krunic, Antonio G. Ferreira gave great contributions along with Sylvia Kunakom, Yitao Dai, Jennifer Lopez-Espinosa, Camila Crnkovic. It was a fun and great work to develop together. I am very much looking forward to soon have the opportunity to visit again the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago. It is a great institution I visited for the first time in 2018. Read the full article here.