Recent articles – Dec 7th, 2018

From the Journal of Natural Products

Onydecalins, Fungal Polyketides with Anti-Histoplasma and Anti-TRP Activity

Isolation and Characterization of Anaephenes A–C, Alkylphenols from a Filamentous Cyanobacterium (Hormoscilla sp., Oscillatoriales)

Isotopic Labeling Studies Reveal the Patulin Detoxification Pathway by the Biocontrol Yeast Rhodotorula kratochvilovae LS11

Lentiquinones A, B, and C, Phytotoxic Anthraquinone Derivatives Isolated from Ascochyta lentis, a Pathogen of Lentil

Macrocyclic Trichothecene Mycotoxins from a Deadly Poisonous Mushroom, Podostroma cornu-damae

These findings are really interesting. Trichothecene polyketides are common metabolites produced by filamentous fungi. This mushroom appears to be the first basidiomycete for which isolation of trichothecenes have been reported. Are these truly mushroom metabolites, or maybe produced by a symbiotic fungus?

Elucidation of Relative and Absolute Configurations of Highly Rearranged Diterpenoids and Evidence for a Putative Biosynthetic Intermediate from the Australian Nudibranch Goniobranchus geometricus

From The Journal of Organic Chemistry

Vinyl-1,2,4-oxadiazoles Behave as Nucleophilic Partners in Morita–Baylis–Hillman Reactions

This is a paper from Professor Fernando Coelho’s group at the State University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Porphyrins as Photoredox Catalysts in Csp2–H Arylations: Batch and Continuous Flow Approaches

This is a paper from Professor Kleber de Oliveira’s group at the Federal University of Sao Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil.

Asymmetric Total Synthesis and Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of Ophiorrhisine A and Its Derivatives

Total Synthesis of the Ortho-Hydroxylated Protoberberines (S)-Govaniadine, (S)-Caseamine, and (S)-Clarkeanidine via a Solvent-Directed Pictet–Spengler Reaction

Total Synthesis and Absolute Stereochemical Assignment of Microgrewiapine A and Its Stereoisomers

Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Nocardioazine B

Total Synthesis of (−)-Mucosin and Revision of Structure

From Nature Chemical Biology

Expanding the terpenoid kingdom

Identification of Chaoborus kairomone chemicals that induce defences in Daphnia

From Nature Chemistry

2018 NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY – Exploiting evolution

From Chemical Society Reviews

Recent applications of C–H functionalization in complex natural product synthesis

From Natural Product Reports

Non-volatile natural products in plant glandular trichomes: chemistry, biological activities and biosynthesis

Nonribosomal antibacterial peptides that target multidrug-resistant bacteria

Science and Science Podcasts

The universe’s star formation history and a powerful new helper for evolution

The worst year ever and the effects of fasting

A systems biology approach to unravelling the complexities of immune system development and function

From the University of São Paulo newspaper (Jornal da USP)

Platform grants access to USP’s intellectual production since 1985

From Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters

Tetradehydrohalicyclamine B, a new proteasome inhibitor from the marine sponge Acanthostrongylophora ingens

From Phytochemistry

Transport of organic substances through the cytoplasmic membrane of cyanobacteria